Monday, July 5, 2010

There are several different genres of "art" that I like to do. Although I don't really consider them all art they are all referred to as being art. So hence the name Morty's Art Work.
The first genre that I like is drawing, and more particularly ink drawings. I like to part from the usual course that many people take in using ink drawings for doing people and landscapes, and I move into other themes such as the Rodeo and Animals. Although, at times I like to do Abstract drawings as well, these are not so prevalent in my drawings.
The second genre that I like to do is painting. I have only done water and oil paintings and these are few and far between. I have very few paintings that I have done, my mother has taken most of them. If I ever find one I will be sure to snap a picture and post them.
Third in my genre list deviates from the two above and sets off on a new path. That is of woodworking. Ever since I can remember, way back when, I would sneak out into my fathers garage and rummage through his tools. This sort of activity was for some reason frowned upon by my father, probably because he could never find his tools or hardware when he most needed them. I have always had an interest in woodworking. I am not the best woodworker around but I enjoy it more than anything, which is why I do it; and if I can make a few bucks at the same time its even better.
Needless to say I love working with my hands. In almost all of my jobs that I have had growing up I have always used my hands. This, I believe, is one of the factors that has led me to pursue art as much as I have.
Please enjoy.

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